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JENNIFER LAWRENCE: Is the taste of me still on your tongue?

You: Never left.

You:  Do you really wait till 2am to be your “husbfriends” cordial

alarm to go to work? BTW never ask me why “husbfriend” will

perpetually remain in quotation marks. You make me lose my virginity

in every way.. Extremely new to texting. Words so small.. Phone so

bright.. Feel like an old man. It’s good thing.. I’ll acclimate. What

movies did you get? Was going to call you as I was leaving  because

there was a… You know.. Those things.. On wheels… Go fast.. And

stuff.. There was a show of that in the Target parking lot.

JENNIFER LAWRENCE: I know! At Bob’s Big Boys right?! Every Friday

night! (I typed Friday night and the auto correct changed it to fiesta

night and I can’t stop laughing) I used to go every Friday but it’s

the same cars. Thank you though for thinking of me.

You know there are ways of making the words bigger and screen less

bright old man. You’re a smart man, you’ll find it in the settings.

But thank you for taking the time to text me.

We got The Lovely Bones, Lords of Salem and Get Him To The Greek. He

fell asleep literally in the first 10 minutes of The Lovely Bones. I’d

love to read your story(ies) tonight.

How has your night been since we’ve parted ways?

You: Always being thought of.. Remember, JENNIFER LAWRENCE: FLAVOR.

However I’m scared Of toothbrush/mouthwash.. Oh and floss is the

worst. My dentist who attended USC thinks you’re bad for me,

nevertheless I beg to differ.

AUTHORS NOTE: There really is a lot of irony at the end of this with

the FLAVOR & visiting the DENTIST. Morbid metaphorical oral hygiene.

You: Get him to the Greek (saw it in theaters twice and couldn’t stop

laughing: HILARIOUS! Ever seen it? A part of me dies inside when

someone falls asleep during a cinematic presentation. Are you sure,

JENNIFER LAWRENCE? I’ll send one and if you like it and want another


home while listening to Arcade Fire thinking about JENNIFER

LAWRENCEand the funniest/coolest thing she proposed: “let me put my

head on your lap to make her think I’m giving you a blow job!”

Thinking to myself: JENNIFER LAWRENCEis so great. Then RED BULL. Then

GYM 2hr. Then LITERATURE. Then watch mother enjoy shots of patron

while making her think I’m drinking too (FOOTNOTE: JENNIFER

LAWRENCEwas right about just drinking the cranberry juice while that

forgotten 36 year old drank all the vodka by herself on the beach)

then made mother cry by showing her a clip from a Spanish film that is

quite touching and demonstrates beloved children and how moms work

excessively hard for them. Essentially showing her why I chose the

profession I’m pursuing. Her face covered in tears.. Me wiping them..

And telling her, “that’s why I like writing because I want to make

people feel something whether you’re crying or laughing.” She

instantaneously laughs while the tears roll down her cheeks.

Practiced piano.

Eating Caesar salad with pizza, egg parm, and wings while responding

to a message how JENNIFER LAWRENCE’s flavor stays in my mouth..

Oh wait.. We have arrived back to each other.. Digitally. Will edit a

couple things and let you know when I send

And YOU?

JENNIFER LAWRENCE: Okay. Texting does not work for us. We are writing

essays to each other. But I love it.

AUTHORS NOTE: You really are writing essays to each other but I’ll

probably cut YOU out because this novel is called JENNIFER LAWRENCE.

JENNIFER LAWRENCE: All dentist think I’m bad. I cause cavities.

Because I’m too sweet! Haha see what I did there? 😉

And YES! I’m dying to read your work 🙂

What gym do you go to and what book did you read?

You’re so sweet to your mother and I think that’s amazing because all

the work she has done to raise such an amazing, intelligent,

manipulative, player of a man.

I think piano is the most beautiful instrument.

AUTHORS NOTE: We will also be coming back to the piano. PAY ATTENTION


JENNIFER LAWRENCE: And myself… Hmm.. Picked up my “husfriend” and

went to Fry’s. Which was AMAZING! I have always gone to the one, I

believe, in Topanga with the Alice in Wonderland theme. This time we

went to the Burbank one with with alien theme. It was so creatively

done, I was amazed! Then went to Von’s to get cereal for dinner and

now The Lovely Bones is almost over and here we are 🙂

JENNIFER LAWRENCE: This is a picture I took of one of the army men

from the alien invasion at Fry’s. Hope you think it’s as funny as I

did =P

AUTHORS NOTE: You really don’t find it funny, in fact, I really don’t

understand what you see in her.

You: i was actually just going to mention our essays but it definitely

means something… something profound. I did see what you did there!

JENNIFER LAWRENCE.. where have you been all of my life?! I frequent LA

fitness. Trying to read David Foster Wallace: INFINITE JEST (supposed

to be one of the hardest books to read ever along with james joyce

ULYSSES (read it.. AMAZING) and Thomas Pynchon Gravity’s Rainbow (have

it and have failed many times but will soon get back to it) the

complex/intricate works are what  gets me going but need LOTS OF

COFFEE AND SUGAR FREE RED BULL. Like i said I’m doing soon so must

finish as quickly as humanly possible. HA, PLAYER!? I can’t respond as

eloquently/emphatically as i do in person but hopefully you can

imagine me being absolutely dismissive to that notion and utterly

overwhelmed by the tremendous plethora of compliments you bestow upon

my unworthy mind.. because you can always do better. i’ll play piano

for you some time.. only know like two songs.. don’t know if you know

that one song SAY SOMETHING i’m giving up on you.. i’m not saying that

to you, JENNIFER LAWRENCEand never would thats just what the songs

called.. and mozart is extremely painful to learn but one day at a

time. it was like you were walking into the happiest place on earth

except in reality it’s HELL for the employees considering its RETAIL

but the illusion of astonishment is nice.. hold on to it, JENNIFER

LAWRENCE. cereal for dinner! You’re not going to be able to go to

sleep.. cereal is for throwing you out in the day with lots of B

vitamins and fiber! what cereal!? don’t tell me.. LUCKY CHARMS. I know

you love marshmallows.

Story officially sent… i sent as pdf file.. let me know if you have

trouble with the file.

AUTHORS NOTE: We come back to the piano and cereal at the end.

JENNIFER LAWRENCE: That song got released the day after my sister’s

asshole boyfriend broke up with her and she played it over and over

and over…. and over….. And over……… And ovvverrrrr again. So

yes, I know the song. It is a beautiful song and I’d love to hear you

play it.


JENNIFER LAWRENCE: ”You can always do better” I feel that is a very

sad thing to say. Which, by coincidence, is exactly what I was talking

about to an elderly gentleman at work on Wednesday when I was an SP

(service professional). He was at table 73 all alone and I asked him

how his day had been (because I know he wakes up at 6 every morning

since I have spoken with him many times) and how his food was and that

was exactly what he said. “It can always be better.” And I told him,

“sir. That is quite a depressing way to look at things.” But then he

went on to explain how it is true. But I personally believe that it’s

sad to think that because then it seems like one could never be truly

happy. But anyways, I’m ranting now.

No, it wasn’t lucky charms because they didn’t have chocolate lucky

charms so I got coco crisps instead. And although you are right, it is

good to start the day with, but it is also good to start a night with.

Trick the mind a little.

Sorry if I am distracting you from any reading or plans you are doing.

I’m going to check my email 🙂

Love the title


You: HAHA I know! Was multitasking and didn’t have to time to polish

it up! Haven’t visited this piece of work since the beginning of the


THEM. But in terms of contexts: theres food and then theres self

improvement. I never want to die satisfied.. i want to die HUNGRY.. i

want to die STRIVING.

Are you reading on IPhone?

Does “husbfriend” snore?

Are you laying down on his hips?

Are you wearing something comfortable?

How many lights are off?

I’m assuming one is on.

Hair is down.

Shower? No?

Shower.. MORNING? YES.

Doesn’t eye liner get on pillow?


So you use make up remover by massacring cotton balls before you go to sleep

AUTHORS NOTE: Your wierd questions will never end, so ladies and

gentleman, please get comfortable.

JENNIFER LAWRENCE: I am reading on my iphone as I have no other

technology to read an email. And he wasn’t just talking about food but

about life and how his wife has passed. He is a sweet old man who

spits when he talks.

I don’t want to die satisfied. I’d rather die… plainly… happy.

He snores when he’s sleeping on his back so no snoring right now. I am

sitting up cross legged as my yoga pants stretch and become slightly

see through. As my baggy, comfy tank top lightly falls over the tip of

my… Nevermind. And my hair is up, out of my face so I can read every

word that you send me with no distractions. As for lights. No lights

are on. Just the glow of the tv faintly lighting up the room as the

lovely music from the lovely bones main menu music floats around.

I shower in the morning and sleep with my make up on because I am too

self conscious to ever take it off.

Are you in your room as we speak?

I can only picture you on top of a huge bed, very high off the ground

with a lamp by your bed side so you can read your complicated books.

And I can only picture you in your all black work cloths. Do you even

own sweats or any other pants than banana republic slacks? P.s. I love

your attention to detail.

AUTHORS NOTE: JENNIFER LAWRENCEis crazy for answering all of you wierd

questions. Like I said, get comfortable.

You: Ah… JENNIFER LAWRENCEyou gave me an erection. ah.. You are too

kind to me. You certainly painted a picture of (whisper: JENNIFER

LAWRENCELATE AT NIGHT) One of these days you must show me without your

makeup! I’m practically showing you my body naked with my work so you

need to somehow play fair.  i’m sitting at my desk with my work

clothes (banana republic pants still on) GEEZ, YOU’RE GOOD! I read

somewhere that regardless if i’m pursuing comedy/writing/cinema i must

always treat it like i’m studying for my bar exam.. met a lot of

pharmacist with big bags underneath their eyes because they rarely

slept due to all the work in college.. so i can’t sleep till LATE,

LATE MORNING MORNING.. whether they are letters, novels, plays,

movies, screenplays I MUST GLUE MYSELF TO THIS DESK.

JENNIFER LAWRENCE: Why must you do this? Do you want bags under your

eyes? That can’t look good on film…. =P

You: actors wear LOTS OF MAKEUP. BTW please let me know when you’re

getting tired and must fade away towards your subconscious. don’t want

to keep you up. I’m typing you from my computer so it’s much easier

for me to type

JENNIFER LAWRENCE: I’m not tired just yet. And I know your bed time is

1:00 am so we’ll see if we make it that far. Will you be upset if I

did doze off and not say good bye or good night? Which reminds me! I

did have a dream with you in it last night! I woke up with a very

faint memory of what actually happened and what the story line really

was but what I did and what I still do remember is yourself and my

“husfriend” and I were on a journey together to save my little sister,

Daniella, from a dangerous situation she was in and our journey was on

a long wooden bridge, like in Shrek when they go to Princess Fiona’s

castle, and as we were trying to walk across the dangerous bridge as

lightly as we could be I was freezing and you offered me your boxer

briefs to keep me warm…? Hahahaha that’s all I remember and I still

do not understand why that happened but it did keep me warm. Really

random. Do you even wear boxer briefs?

Oh. And I finished your story. Please send more. 🙂 and thank you 🙂

You: HAHA this dream is thus far your best dream of me..  It seems in

some way or another that, based on two dreams you had of me, and..

quite presumptuously yet unapologetically, potentially more, i’m

assisting you. Your first dream was QUEER EYE FOR THE STRAIGHT GUY

WITH \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_  \_

Your second dream is much more sensual/comfortable/ pleasant

considering i’m saving you from the frigid weather. Would’ve loved to

witness your dream like “husbfriends” response to my heroic under

garments! I wear banana republic boxers on weekends and own /wear 4

boxer briefs when i’m reaching laundry day. I wonder if we saved


The next story is a story you that you will not finish tonight and

will potentially grow to hate me.. i suppose you could say this story

is a test of our bond

It’s all TRUE

JENNIFER LAWRENCE: Probably. But she’s a smart girl. She probably

escaped on her own.

You: A woman.. A person.. An EXPERIMENT.

AUTHORS NOTE: You’re referring to JUSTINE.

JENNIFER LAWRENCE: I haven’t hated you yet from what youve told me

You: Explicit pictures will be shown so if you are sensitive to that let me know

JENNIFER LAWRENCE: Oooh a story with pictures? Maybe my “husfriend”

will be interested in this one too =P I’m just kidding. I do not

believe I am sensitive to these things for what I have already seen

but I’d like for you to push the envelope. 🙂

I put smiley faces way too much. =|

AUTHORS NOTE: She really does. I’m going to take them all out so just

use your imagination.


Oh.. it seems as if this file is too large to send over email =/

i think its the photos that the file larger

hold on let me try to compress


AUTHORS NOTE: Okay.. I will remove all faces.

You: ok..


i’ve sent using google drive

see if that works

let me know

show your father the tattoo

JENNIFER LAWRENCE: Don’t tell me what to do. =|

Authors Note: Starting now.

You: haha i think he’ll like it

maybe it’ll bring you closer

JENNIFER LAWRENCE:  Does she know about this?

You: Once you finish… THERES A STORY…

JENNIFER LAWRENCE: Haha what!?!? This is the story! Is it not!?

You: HAHA its the story

but the answer to your question about her knowing about this

is another story..

its scary

AUTHORS NOTE: You tell her in two months through photographs. I know..

I can’t wait either. Kind of the sequel to JUSTINE so to speak.

JENNIFER LAWRENCE: Is this scary story another one you have written or

one you will be telling with the grace of your presence?

You: PRESENCE.. with PICTURES you won’t believe

it’ll be like an imperative office meeting with power point presentations

but please take your time with this one..

its tragedy that must be consumed slowly..

slow burn

JENNIFER LAWRENCE:  =oI love power point! (I’m trying to widen the

variety of my smiley faces.) is this another one of your law suits?

AUTHORS NOTE: She’s getting really creative with these faces. So hard

to get them all.

You: It’s one that involved the police

and legal guardians

death threats

JENNIFER LAWRENCE:  You were minors at the time I’m guessing?

You: friends with guns

i was..

how old was i..

i was the minor

she was 19

JENNIFER LAWRENCE: Of course. You and the older women.

You: Haha the older women thing is completely unintentional.. i don’t

go out of my way to seek them

it just happens..

perhaps i’m a lamp

and the the older flies are attracted to the brightness


just threw up in my mouth writing that

that was so bad

i’m sorry

JENNIFER LAWRENCE: AWWW are you calling yourself bright?

AUTHORS NOTE: There was a smiley face there. One face at a time.

You: ahhh

so sorry

WHISPER late night NICK STEWART: losing coherence

You:  did you make love

prior to him falling asleep while his cereal digested?

JENNIFER LAWRENCE: Not tonight. His cereal won.

You: ha, beat you to it.. do you ever… while he’s sleeping?

JENNIFER LAWRENCE: If he’s asleep and I want to have sex…  I just

wake him up with a blow job and then get on top.

I’m scared the things I’ve said to you and have messaged you will be

brought to the public like your stories I’m reading.

AUTHORS NOTE: JENNIFER LAWRENCE, don’t be crazy. Nick is much more

original than that.

You: JENNIFER LAWRENCEunpredictability is IDEAL especially coming from

someone who is seemingly a disney channel character..

saying that in the best way possible.. over text i can’t be as

emphatic. i knew you’d say that.. but when you arrive at the ending..

you’ll discover why i cant

Author’s Note: When you get to the ending of this you’ll discover why he did.

You: EVER do this again

You: What do you like JENNIFER LAWRENCE?

Imagine me whispering that..

texting is so strange.

JENNIFER LAWRENCE: I asked you first. I like texting. It’s easier to

say exactly what you’re thinking because you’re not really saying it

at all.

You: no uhmm.. no pauses… everything is beautifully choreographed

aside from the ironic spell checker however no nice complexion of

JENNIFER LAWRENCEto ensure that what i say has not crossed the line or

made you mad.. laugh… happy

i asked first

who is JENNIFER LAWRENCEwhich somehow correlates to WHAT DO YOU LIKE?

JENNIFER LAWRENCE: You know who I am. What do you like?

You: I never knew JENNIFER LAWRENCEwould take such immaculate

initiative with her “husbfriend” especially considering he is

unconscious you crazy sexy necrophiliac!

JENNIFER LAWRENCE: Hahaha you make it sound like a bad thing. You

wouldn’t like that?

You: ohhhh JENNIFER LAWRENCE.. text is so ambiguous.. i would LOVE


AUTHORS NOTE: You bought her ice cream and you had three sizes for the


You: in all actuality a  proud experiencer of it.. i was torn between

reality and a wonderful dream however was disappointed to the person i

woke up to find nibbling on the tip of my manhood..

JENNIFER LAWRENCE.. you have nice lips.. nice teeth

so white and coordinated correctly

you took care of them growing up?


listerine? whitening?

JENNIFER LAWRENCE: Hahahaha gotta have it. You’re so clever. Yes

braces. And no whitening. Just brush my teeth 🙂 I never worn my

retainer which lead to me losing it. Then my orthodontist killed his

family then committed suicide so I never got to see him again for a

replacement retainer so my bottom teeth are quite crooked.

Imperfection in perfection. Nickolaus. What do you like?

You: Your bottom teeth were so bad that it made your orthodontist go

on a killing spree!? I haven’t been that close to your mouth… but

I’m a risk taker and very curious how your mouth makes people die… i

aspire to die a little with you. I’m trying to guess what you like..

but i’m assuming you’re quite open minded in the bedroom.. however not

too sure if you’re submissive or are one to take CONTROL..

vocalization is very imperative

communication is KEY

moans are kinky inclinations

kind of a verbal red bull

but can’t imagine you doing such things

you’re a tough one to crack..

i was spit balling

was i far from being right?

JENNIFER LAWRENCE: Justine says you’re 19 years old and it’s dated

2013. You were not a minor?

You: was hoping you wouldn’t read it.. 2013 was going 17-18 I loathe

the numbers. how did you know?

You: are you talking to her

JENNIFER LAWRENCE: Yes. Her number is in here so I messaged it and she

did respond saying it’s her. She’s a little mad about how I got her

number tho….. I’m completely just kidding.


You: the hair was standing on my arms as i was reading your message

JENNIFER LAWRENCE: It’s past 1:00. Are you going to be heading to

sleep? Have you moved from your desk to bed? Haha I’m sorry. Didn’t

mean to scare you.

You: still at desk.. i consumed a cannoli earlier so i’m sugared up

how are you feeling


must be.. walking around fry’s makes me tired.

JENNIFER LAWRENCE: Gravitas rainbow? Are you writing another Justine

story or are you reading it too?

You: uh oh.. you clicked zoom.. GRAVITYS RAINBOW by thomas pynchon!

the book i was talking about earlier that is extremely hard to

entangle.  i apologize for the food on the table.. i did kind of get

lost by re-reading JUSTINE and have not been able to stand to go to

wash dishes while i simultaneously watch seinfeld

You never answered my questions about your dialogue while you indulge lust

JENNIFER LAWRENCE: You never answered my question. What you like?

You: and then you’ll answer my questions?

JENNIFER LAWRENCE: That’s how it’s always been hasn’t it?

AUTHORS NOTE: And it always will be.

You: never know when i’m at the edge of the plank near the deep of the

ocean.. don’t want to dive head first alone

i am diving first JENNIFER LAWRENCE

make sure to come in after me okay

water freezing

you use my briefs

i use your body



care to elaborate

the questions

seems a bit broad

what do i like


JENNIFER LAWRENCE: You can take that question however you’d like.

Where does your mind go when I ask that?

You: okay I’m at a museum with your question on the canvas and must

INTERPRET like a pseudo-intellectual with a pipe who really wants to

get laid so he makes..

I like…

well MY question is in relation to the lights off underneath covers

with another bag of bones next to you

so i would say.. considering i’m expecting the same answer from you

i like..

AUTHORS NOTE: We’re skipping over you.

You: Its strange you must experience it to get that new FLAVOR

to understand

but hopefully my elaborate answer has satisfied your curiosity.


This should be..


JENNIFER LAWRENCE: Submissive and control always changes from whom

initiates it. If I’m in the mood I do the positions I want and if he

starts it I’m all his. Of course moaning is great but never faked.

Never have been one to scream but I still like to get my face pushed

into the mattress or pillow or couch cushion or what have you to stop

the screaming. Since you’ve told me your favorite part of a female

body I’ll do the same. I love testicles. I love them smacking my face

as he jerks himself off and smacking my pussy as he fucks me. I

continuously have healing scabs on my hips from him holding onto me so

tight as he fucks so fast. Oh. And spanking is always encouraged but

that’s really a given. What female doesn’t like that?

AUTHORS NOTE: Can we just end it here?